The Stock Exchange has received a message from China Life Insurance 
Company Limited, a new listing applicant, which is reproduced as follows:-

"                                                               2003

Announcement of the Offer Price and the levels of
indication of interest in the US Offering and the
International Offering,the level of applications in
the Hong Kong Public Offering and the basis of
allocation of the Hong Kong Offer Shares (with
successful applicants' identification document
numbers,where appropriate)to be published in
the South China Morning Post and Hong Kong
Economic Times on or before ---------------    Wednesday,December 17,2003

Share certificates in respect of wholly or partially
successful applications to be despatched on or
before -----------------------------------     Wednesday,December 17,2003

Refund cheques in respect of wholly or partially
unsuccessful applications to be despatched on
or before------------------------------------  Wednesday,December 17,2003

Dealings in H Shares on the Stock Exchange
expected to commence on ---------------------  Thursday,December 18,2003

If you are applying using a WHITE application form and you elect to 
receive any share certificate(s)in your name:

If you have applied for 1,000,000 Hong Kong Offer Shares or above on a 
WHITE application form and have indicated on your Application Form that 
you will collect your share certificate(s)and/or refund cheque (if any)in 
person and have provided all information required by your Application 
Form,you may collect it/them in person from:

         Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
                      Rooms 1712-1716,17th Floor
                            Hopewell Centre
                       183,Queen's Road East
                               Hong Kong

between 9:00 a.m.and 1:00 p.m.on the date notified by the Company in the
newspapers as the date of despatch of share certificate(s)and refund 

The date of despatch is expected to be on Wednesday,December 17,2003.

Applicants being individuals who have applied for 1,000,000 Hong Kong 
Offer Shares or above and have opted for personal collection must not 
authorize any other person to make collection on their behalf.Applicants 
must show their identification documents (which must be acceptable to 
Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited)to collect share 
certificates and/or refund cheques.

Applicants being corporations and have opted for personal collection must 
attend by their authorized representatives bearing letters of 
authorization from their corporations stamped with the 
corporations' chops.Their authorized representatives must produce at the 
time of collection evidence of identity acceptable to Computershare Hong 
Kong Investor Services Limited.

If you do not collect your share certificate(s)and/or refund cheque (if 
any),they will be sent to the address on your WHITE application form in 
the afternoon on the date of despatch,by ordinary post and at your own 

If you have applied for 1,000,000 Hong Kong Offer Shares or above and have 
not indicated on your Application Form that you will collect your share 
certificates and refund cheque (if any)in person,or if you have applied 
for less than 1,000,000 Hong Kong Offer Shares,then your share 
certificates and refund cheque (if any) will be sent to the address on 
your WHITE application form on the date of despatch,by ordinary post and 
at your own risk.

Hong Kong, 17 December, 2003"